Being human means experiencing a wide array of emotions. Sadness is just one of many feelings. This means that we ALL feel sad at times and it a very normal and appropriate response to unsettling events, losses, life transitions, and disappointments, no matter how big or small. It is important to allow yourself to feel sad and to try and express your sadness to someone close to you. Keeping your sad feelings to yourself can actually make you feel worse. Crying is not a weakness, but an expression of your inner self. We can learn a lot about ourselves if we listen to our feelings.

Once you allow yourself to experience and express your sadness, your sad feelings will likely resolve themselves with some time. However, if you find yourself experiencing persistent feelings of sadness and/or difficulty engaging in regular functions or activities, it may be helpful to make an appointment.

Depression is a much deeper level of sadness that can be very overwhelming and interferes with a person’s level of functioning. Research suggests that one out of six adults in North America suffer from Depression. There are also tremendous variations in the way that people experience Depression. There are also those many people who are depressed, yet are not aware that they do not have to live their lives feeling this way. For some people, depression can be experienced as irritability. Depression and Anxiety often go hand in hand. You may find yourself worrying or feeling distressed more often than not. Here are some of the signs that you may be experiencing clinical depression:

  • Persistent and profound feelings of sadness, irritability or ‘numbness’
  • A loss of interest in pleasurable activities that you have enjoyed in the past
  • Social isolation and withdrawal
  • Loss of energy or feeling tired often
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Feelings of guilt and/or worthlessness
  • Sleeping too much or not sleeping at all
  • Loss or gain of weight and appetite
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Thoughts of wanting to die, recurrent thoughts of death, or a suicide attempt or plan of death
  • Physical symptoms such as unexplained headaches, ulcers, and pain that do not respond to treatment

Please reach out to a professional for help. Life does not have to be so difficult. There are ways to help you live a happier and more carefree life. Reaching out for help may seem like the most impossible thing to do when life feels so dark. But there is a light and things can get better

Many individuals who struggle with depression also struggle with anxiety. The two conditions often go hand in hand.

Click here to learn more about anxiety and stress management.